Benefits of Payroll Giving for Charities
Benefits for an individual charity:
- Regular, reliable unrestricted income stream, which allows a charity to plan ahead and budget for the future.
- Low administration costs as the Payroll Giving Agencies transfer the donations to the charity’s bank account and supply donor information at a nominal cost. Some employers cover this cost.
- Charity receives donation including tax without having to reclaim tax at a later date.
- HMRC estimates that over £125M is lost each year due to un-claimed Gift Aid.
- Many employers choose to match their employees gifts, some even double-match their contributions.
- When Payroll Giving is included as part of a company’s CSR or CCI initiative, such as Charity of the Year, Payroll Giving can provide a legacy of giving which continues long after the original partnership has ended.
How do we work with Charities?
We work with charities big and small, national and local. At Payroll Giving in Action we pride ourselves on building relationships with charities that work with us. We want to understand what you are trying to achieve and help you raise funds via Payroll Giving.