Trusted partner for 800+ UK employers. All our services are free to employers – branded Payroll Giving website, bespoke marketing package, advice, workplace visits, webinars, videos and smooth processing- why not join us now?
Payroll Giving Accreditation Award
Payroll Giving Accreditation Award
Your scheme will be given either a 3, 4, or 5 star accreditation based on success and promotional tools used. Implement the following to achieve 5 star.
Make it easy for your employees to find your Payroll Giving site on your intranet/benefit platform.
Communications – Regularly send out provided monthly comms.
Embed the video onto your intranet/benefit platform – employees are more likely to engage with a video. Video updates monthly.
Paying the Agency admin fee and any form of matching hugely helps take-up, e.g. first month up to £10, 10% top-up, 100% match, prize draw every quarter where someone in the scheme wins £100 for their charity.
Workplace visits and or webinars, give your employees the chance to ask questions and join.