Care & Support

The Brain Charity

Care & Support Charities by Sector We help people with all forms of neurological condition to live longer, healthier, happier lives. There are over 600 known neurological conditions, which affect the brain, spine and nervous system. 1 in 6 people in the UK have a neurological condition; some are well-known,

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Children First

Care & Support Children & Youth Charities by Sector Children First is Scotland’s national children’s charity. We stand up for every child because all children should have a safe childhood. We protect children from harm and support them to recover from trauma and abuse through our national support line and

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Welcome to FareShare! What we do FareShare is the UK’s largest charity fighting hunger and food waste. We save good-to-eat, surplus food from going to waste and redistribute it to frontline charities, including school breakfast clubs, older people’s lunch clubs, homeless shelters, and community cafés, who turn it into

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Guide Dogs for the Blind

Animals Charities by Sector We provide mobility and freedom to blind and partially sighted people. We also campaign for the rights of people with visual impairment, educate the public about eye care and fund eye disease research.We have been expertly breeding and training guide dogs for more than 75 years,

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Enable Scotland

Care & Support Charities by Sector ENABLE Scotland’s mission is to create an equal society for every person with a learning disability. We are committed to amplifying the voices of people with learning disabilities and their families, to achieve positive change, through our grassroots and national campaigning. Each year ENABLE

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Scottish Cot Death

Care & Support Charities by Sector Scottish Cot Death Trust was founded in 1985 and is the only charity in Scotland dedicated to the sudden unexpected death of babies and young children. We make a difference because we; aim to find the answers through funding research, provide support for bereaved

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Down Syndrome Scotland

Care & Support Charities by Sector Down’s Syndrome Scotland’s vision is that society fully accepts and includes people with Down’s syndrome. Every day we support families and people with Down’s syndrome to reach their fullest potential by providing a range of services, influencing public policy and by changing attitudes. We

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Strathcarron Hospice

Care & Support Charities by Sector Strathcarron Hospice is here today for and because of the people of Forth Valley, Cumbernauld and Kilsyth. Every year, we provide care and support to over 1,400 people with a life-limiting illness or condition, at a time when both they and their family need

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Action Not Disability

Disability & SEN Charities by Sector Action Not Disability (AND) is formed from six disability charities who promote independence for disabled people: Livability – The UK’s largest Christian disability charity running a wide and diverse range of services for disabled adults and children them to reach their full potential and

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